Broken fitness monitor strap? Maybe your watch was spending more time in a drawer than down the gym? A new strap for your fitness monitor can get it back to work, encouraging healthy habits.
Not only does a replacement strap get you up and running, but replacing the Strap on your Fitbit, Garmin or Apple watch can give you some amazing motivation to get out there on a walk or a run.
However we all have days and weeks when we struggle with the motivation to stay active, where we don’t even see our Fitbit hit the 10,000 steps mark at all that week.

Stylish Fitbit Straps that will keep you motivated
Well if you’re looking for some amazing tips to keep the step count on your fitness watch flying high even when your motivation isn’t..then you are in the right place!
Why increase your daily step count?
Increasing your daily step count is a no brainer. I know, I know, I’m preaching to the converted here! As you’ve already found FitstrapsUK I’m pretty sure you’re already well aware of the benefits, anyway here are some of the most important below-
- Increased heart and lung fitness
- Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke
- Reduction of body fat when paired with a calorie deficit diet
Sound good? Yes, they sound good to us too! Enough with the sales pitch; you came here for the info!
Here are 15 easy to implement tips to increase your daily step count.
1-Walk and Talk
Do you take a lot of phone calls or answer a lot of work emails on your phone? If so, take this as an opportunity to make up some easy steps by doing some laps of your workplace.
2- Park further away
Let me explain this one, when you get to the supermarket and there are lots of great parking spaces close to the entrance...ignore them! Then go right up to the far corner and park there. Walking in and out of the shop, not to mention coming back with a full trolley will bump your numbers up nicely.
3- Move it!
Get up and move around once every hour at work. Do you sit down quite a bit at work? Lots of us are guilty of it these days. Why not set an alarm on your phone to go off every hour and make sure you get up and go for a small walk.
4- Marching power
Any chance you get, we love marching up and down while brushing our teeth, 2 minutes in the morning and 2 more in the evening of stepping on the spot. You do this on your own anyway so don’t worry about looking silly!
5- Car wash fitness
Save yourself some money and see that step count edge it’s way up by grabbing yourself a sponge and bucket. For a bonus point do your partner’s car you’ll be in his or her good books for the whole week.
6- Challenge yourself
Set yourself challenges on your fitness watch- you’ve got your Fitbit, you’ve got the best selection of Fitbit Straps from Fitstraps. Now it’s time to set yourself (achievable) daily and weekly targets to keep yourself motivated to hit them.
7- Walk to work
If you live in distance, set your alarm for 30 mins earlier each morning, find your favourite podcast and step your way to and from work each day. This one will probably make the biggest difference of all these tips if you are able to implement it a few days each week. Watch your average daily steps increasing could help you maintain motivation for a more active lifestyle.
8- Rest, not rest
Do active recovery when lifting weights at the gym, instead of just resting in between sets, go jump on the treadmill and do a steady walk for 2 minutes while you rest. Don’t go to fast though as you don’t want to tire yourself out for your next set.
9- Make time to play
If you have kids get in the garden and play with them, it doesn’t matter which sport you play with them, it also doesn’t matter if you’re not very good or not. Your kids will love it and so will your body.
10- Digging your fitness monitor!
if you have a passion for gardening, or grow your own on the allotment - not only does gardening have lots of benefits it also can burn up to a whopping 240 calories per hour! Why not keep your garden and your waistline looking great by doing a couple of hours per week? Help our with your local "Good Gym", doing hard work for good causes in your area.
11- Take the stairs at every opportunity
If you work in an office block or are just out parking your car to go shopping. Always take the stairs as a first option and set your step count rise quicker than inflation is at the moment!

12- Use the furthest away toilet at work
We're not trying to get you sacked here, just if there is the option for you to go a little further away to go to the loo without your boss noticing, go for it. All these additional steps are going to increase your energy levels anyway which will lead to higher productivity when you’re at work. Your boss with have nothing to moan about.
13- Watching your favourite show on TV?
Walk around your house during the ad break. – We don’t watch much TV, but it does seem that there are more and more ads, so use that void to do some squats, lunges or go up and down stairs a few times, see how many laps you can get in. Instead of a guilty pleasure, watching TV can actually be a great opportunity to grab yourself some easy steps each evening.
14- Go for an evening walk
Plain and simple if the weather is good, or even if it's raining,grab your walking shoes and get out there. Try walking a neighbour's dog or join Borrow My Doggy type websites, you can get yourself some bonus steps, do someone else a favour and give a doggo an extra trip out.

15- Get off the bus a stop earlier
If you get the bus to and from work get the earlier bus if you need to and jump off a couple of stops early. This is the perfect in between point between walking in and getting the bus, or if you are up for the challenge, if you get to the stop early, walk to the next bus stop instead of waiting for the bus - if you cut it fine you might boost your fitness with a short run as well!
There you have it, 15 superb tips to increase your daily step count and keep it there.
Replacement Watch Straps for Fitbit that keep your step count high by making your watch suit your style so you wear it for longer, stylish and smart straps for business and evening wear, fun and funky for everyday fashion statements or for comfort.
All you need now is to check out all our latest watch strap trends to keep your Fitness watch strap looking the part wherever you are.