If you have ever developed a rash from wearing a watch, fitness monitor or smart watch - there are several reasons why this might have happened.
The wrist is a very sensitive part of the body and a point where the veins are close to the surface of the skin. When you workout, this area does become hot and being a part of the body that tends to move quite a lot during exercise, it is here that irritation can occur.
What would indicate an allergy or reaction to your fitness monitor?
Contact dermatitis, eczema, heat rash, friction burn and feeling quite itchy in that area.
With fitness monitors encouraging all day wear to get the most accurate health profile, it is bound to come with some additional problems.
A new watchstrap may contain allergens that cause a reaction with your skin. This can vary from person to person so finding out the cause an be difficult.
It might just be a heat rash, or a friction from wearing the watchstrap too tight, might be a build up of soap or sanitiser between the strap and your skin.
It could be a reaction to the material in the replacement watchstrap, or to a change in laundry detergent, a new perfume or maybe a build up of sweat under the fitness monitor strap.
What can you do to ease the itch under your watchstrap?
There are things you can do to work out what it is that is causing the irritation.
1. Be extra vigilant about rinsing the soap or chemical off your skin after use.
2. Try a different kind of replacement watchstrap to see if perhaps it is the particular material that is causing the problem.
3. Avoid using perfume in the area.
4. Place a strip of material underneath the strap, this will act as a wick for the moisture and prevent any chaffing.
5. Check the tightness of your strap - perhaps it is too tight, or maybe the reverse, by having the watchstrap too loose, it could be rubbing.
6. Try a different brand of sanitiser, and be careful not to get it on your watchstrap.
7. Have a selection of watchstraps so you can take the pressure off and change them at key points throughout the day.
8. Apply an itch soothing cream such as a hydrocortisone - ask your pharmacist for advice, they will be able to help you.
9. Swap your wriststrap on to the other wrist to give your skin a rest.
10. Make sure your skin and your watchstrap are dry, especially after a hard workout.
By swapping your watchstrap for different materials, not only will you be able to determine which kind of material is causing the problem, if any, it may also indicate which activity could be the cause of the problem.
With our great priced replacement fitness monitor watchstraps, you can keep your wrist clean and fresh, all day.